Folds of Honor Foundation Scholarships

Honoring Sacrifice Through Education

In an era where the lofty rhetoric of patriotism often masks a lack of tangible support for military families, the Folds of Honor Foundation stands as a rare and commendable exception. This organization, born from a profound sense of duty and gratitude, offers educational scholarships to the spouses and children of America’s fallen and disabled service members, ensuring that their sacrifices are neither forgotten nor in vain.

Founded in 2007 by Major Dan Rooney, an F-16 fighter pilot in the Air Force Reserves, Folds of Honor emerged from a moment of stark clarity. Witnessing the return of a fallen soldier’s remains and the impact on the soldier’s family, Rooney was galvanized into action. He established Folds of Honor with a mission that is both straightforward and profound: to provide educational scholarships to the families of military personnel who have paid the ultimate price or suffered debilitating injuries in the line of duty.

Bridging the Educational Chasm

The Folds of Honor Foundation offers two primary types of scholarships: Higher Education Scholarships and Children’s Fund Scholarships. The former provides financial assistance to spouses and dependents pursuing a college degree or trade school certification, covering a wide array of educational expenses, including tuition, fees, books, and room and board. The latter, aimed at younger children, helps cover the cost of private education tuition, tutoring, and educational summer camps, ensuring that these children receive a robust educational foundation.

Tangible Impact

The numbers speak for themselves. Folds of Honor has awarded tens of thousands of scholarships, channeling millions of dollars into the education of military families. This substantial financial support has enabled recipients to attend prestigious universities, pursue advanced degrees, and obtain valuable certifications. The trajectory from scholarship recipient to professional success underscores the transformative power of these grants.

Consider the case of Sarah White, whose father was killed in action while serving in the U.S. Army. Through a Folds of Honor scholarship, Sarah attended her dream college, majored in biomedical engineering, and now contributes to developing life-saving medical devices. Her story exemplifies the profound impact of these scholarships on the lives of military families.

A Community of Commitment

Folds of Honor is not merely a scholarship provider; it is a community committed to honoring the legacy of America’s heroes. The foundation organizes numerous events and fundraisers, such as golf tournaments, galas, and runs, all aimed at raising awareness and funds for their mission. These events not only provide essential financial support but also cultivate a sense of solidarity among military families and supporters.

Moreover, the foundation’s commitment extends beyond financial aid. Folds of Honor strives to create a network of support for scholarship recipients, offering mentorship opportunities, career guidance, and personal development resources. This holistic approach ensures that the families of fallen and disabled service members are supported in every aspect of their educational and personal journeys.

A Vision for the Future

The Folds of Honor Foundation continues to expand its reach, driven by the belief that every child of a fallen or disabled service member deserves the chance to achieve their educational aspirations. By providing these scholarships, Folds of Honor not only honors the sacrifices of America’s heroes but also invests in the future of their families, empowering them to pursue their ambitions and contribute meaningfully to society.

In a landscape where the true cost of freedom is often overlooked, Folds of Honor stands as a testament to the enduring impact of genuine support and commitment. For more information about the Folds of Honor Foundation and its scholarship programs, visit